Thursday, July 1, 2010

Goooooooooooood bye!

Doing English III this semester is actually the first time I have a blog, ever!! Really, I’ve never been that into having pages on internet about myself or what I think, such as fotolog or blogs. Facebook is an exception, it’s my first and unique one.
Despite this facts, I’ve enjoy writing here all this weeks, first because it cool write in English sometimes, to practice, and second, cause its interesting write things that you think about something or lived sometime in your life, also shared experiences, or you opinion on any fact, etc. I’ve never tried before!
Well, as I just said, write in English helps a lot to practice this matter, and of course improve your written English and also your vocabulary; I’ve find out that I didn’t know so many words, and that’s only because of the lack of experience using this language.
Clearly, this is one of the main advantages of writing in a blog in English (improve vocabulary and written English) but it also has other advantages, like you can see what your classmates thought about some themes, or give them an opinion about that to, and the communication within the classmates and the teacher. And finally, I think it’s great that we have so many varieties of subjects to talk about and also hear some interesting things, such as the speech of Sir Ken Robinson.
Some disadvantages of blogging, well, I don’t find many, in my opinion it’s really a great course dynamic (my favorite among the two blocks). The only thing I didn’t like so much was the monotony of the activity, maybe we could’ve seen more pages like BBC one, or more talks, like Ken Robison’s.
But in general, I can say that blogging was great!


  1. I agree with your opinion of the monotony that sometimes has the bloggin', i could be more interesting themes. By the way, I owe you a drink, hahaha

  2. Jjajajaj! Have a Facebook page is normal now! But having a blog it´s a little more estrange
    I hasn´t a blog eather before that. I agree with you in the experience, and in the idea of knowing better to our classmates.

  3. The blogging activity it was very nice, but i agree that the topics could be in relation with activities like the BBC or the interview, more interactive.

