Thursday, June 24, 2010

Checking out!

Today I’d visit Maria Olvido English blog, I really didn´t know who I was gonna chose so I did it randomly, and she was the winner! The blog it’s called olvi-english3, and I guess it’s from her name and the course…
At the blog are 12 different posts, so it seems that she hasn’t missed so many classes! A responsible girl. I really like her blog because she writes pretty well in English, and also talks it nice, as I i can heard in our presentations in class. My favorite post is the one about a place in Chile that she loves, and the one she picked its really beautiful, as much as the things she tell about it, like for example that cell phones are dead over there, or that you can see lots and lots of stars in the sky cause are no lights out there…
I can’t really criticized the blog much… there are only little mistakes in writing, so I guess that’s what you should paid more attention, and about the blog in general, I like it because is not overloaded with things and the colors it has are pretty calm and also when she put pictures in the posts makes them more cute and nice. Congrats for María Olvido! A really interesting blog in content, vocabulary and writing.

1 comment:

  1. So hard to do a review... her blog is very good... certainly not as mine haha
