Wednesday, November 10, 2010

The universal language

English is the universal language. Knowing English allow you to speak with almost any person in the world, at least those who speak English (as their first language of course, or second one) this fact show us how important and useful English is on this days. This is why all schools and universities have it as an obligatory subject on their curricular structures. Giving this fact, I’ll talk about my experience learning this language that for me luckily came pretty naturally.
My first approaching with English was the TV, of course; because the cable TV at 90’s brought lots of new channels and with that, new languages to, so I start watch subtitled movies and TV shows in English. That’s how I get my first vocabulary. Then, at school, they start with English for the kids at 6th grade, so it was pretty basic at first, but when I was leaving school, I can say that I already can speak English pretty good, not so much for school knowledge but for personal skills.
When I get in to university all of us (students) have to give a diagnostic test, and according to our results, we will be at level 1, 2, 3 or 4 of English class. Well, the test was not hard, but I didn`t get to finish all questions cause I lose too much time with the first ones and have no time for the listening an reading parts, so that put me at level 3.
My experiences during level three and then four was ok; I get to write much better and faster, that’s the best of it. Also I learn more vocabulary and expressions. The bad part is that in both curses the students are really unequal on their English levels. I mean, there was some people for example, that have been all of their life on a English school and have a perfect English, or others who can speak perfect for an intermediate level, which is the one that the university provides us, but there was some people that never have contact with the English language before, or that have no skill for it, etc. The fact is that the course was very unequal and the teachers have to adjust to it. With this scenario, the classes, specially the one at the classrooms, turn out hard for everyone.
I think, that for respect to every one of us, students and teachers, it should exists a better way to evaluate students so the English that university imparts it can be actually useful for us: that people who start at level 1, when they came out at level 4 can speak or understand English on a intermediate level, and that people who can already speak, don’t have to take courses that just makes them repeat things that they already know. May be an interview is a better way to determine in which level are we when we came in at first year, even if is a slower process, it may turn out better for everyone.

1 comment:

  1. I absolutly agree with you and your opinion about the important of the english!

