Thursday, June 24, 2010

Checking out!

Today I’d visit Maria Olvido English blog, I really didn´t know who I was gonna chose so I did it randomly, and she was the winner! The blog it’s called olvi-english3, and I guess it’s from her name and the course…
At the blog are 12 different posts, so it seems that she hasn’t missed so many classes! A responsible girl. I really like her blog because she writes pretty well in English, and also talks it nice, as I i can heard in our presentations in class. My favorite post is the one about a place in Chile that she loves, and the one she picked its really beautiful, as much as the things she tell about it, like for example that cell phones are dead over there, or that you can see lots and lots of stars in the sky cause are no lights out there…
I can’t really criticized the blog much… there are only little mistakes in writing, so I guess that’s what you should paid more attention, and about the blog in general, I like it because is not overloaded with things and the colors it has are pretty calm and also when she put pictures in the posts makes them more cute and nice. Congrats for María Olvido! A really interesting blog in content, vocabulary and writing.

Thursday, June 17, 2010

what are we educating for?

Sir Ken Robinson's its actually very interesting and dynamic to talk about something it’s wondering around pretty much all the time and since a few years in world population, and that I’ve think of it to, and however almost nothing have changed.
Education its extraordinary strict system and pretty similar around the globe, the problem that has become evident within the years is that not everybody fit inside it, not everybody like it, and certainly not everybody has the capacities or even the interest in what that program propose.
We educate our children for the future, but we don’t know what happen in five years from now, not even tomorrow. So I think that we should look at every one capacities more than create soldiers for continuo with what we (the impose education system actually) think it’s important.
Children has extraordinary capacities that shot down when they grow, such as creativity, which is really important, an wonderful, but in education its take as nothing compare to literacy or any other subject.
What I found more interesting about Sir Ken Robinson's speech It’s the importance of been prepared to be wrong some times, and like this to become whit something original. In education this days people it’s been educated out of their creative capacities, mistakes are the worst thing can happens.
Not everyone it’s meant to be university professors that it’s like the bigger goal you can achieve according to this system. It’s just another way of live; and isn’t just a form of transport our heads.
Education methods are very old, and that’s why they are focused on other necessities that in these days are not longer the most important ones, like workers for the industrialization process, or things like that… now a day they are also necessary but you can aspire to so many other things, and don’t put money in the first place always, for example, or simply decide not go to university. We think that is the best and sometimes the only way in life to succeed, but there are other ways to, it’s just that they are highly stigmatized and everybody makes it harder for you if you don’t choose that path.
I think succeed in life it measure by the capacity of catch your own dreams.